After much harassment from some guys at work, I finally broke down and got an XBox 360.  I have and old Playstation 2 sitting around, but I hadn’t played it in a while.  Before the 360, the little gaming I did do was on my PC, and I was hoping that the new console wouldn’t just collect dust.  I have to say, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed it so far.

Microsoft has done a great job with XBox Live, it is much deeper than I thought it was.  I didn’t know much about it, I had no idea you could download movies, etc.  I find myself using my 360 as much for the media capabilities as I do for the games. (well, almost as much hehe)  I also like how they post all of the achievements from any game you play to, and that you can have access to your gamercard on a website through an iframe. (like mine below)



I don’t have very many games yet, but I’m hoping that I get a few more for Christmas. :)   I have the 2 games that came with the XBox, Marvel Alliance and Forza Motorsports 2.  I also have NCAA Football 2008 and Oblivion….with games like Halo 3, Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty 4, and Mass Effect on my wish list.

One thing I REALLY like about the XBox is the ability to connect it to my network and view media stored on my computer.  I can quickly pull up pictures of the family, music and video files.  I was disappointed at first that I couldn’t play .avi files, but I found a product that has cured that problem.  I downloaded and installed an application called TVersity which streams my content in a way that the XBox can play it on my TV.  Fantastic! (and free!!)

My five year old daughter is a big fan of the XBox too…..I was amazed to see how fast she picked up on how to use the controller.  Once my son is old enough to play I have a feeling that I won’t get to play it nearly as much.  Until then, anyone have any good game suggestions that aren’t already on my list?